Bratislava, February 10, 2025
The already standard event "Breakfast with Slovak Battery Alliance" was held with the participation of the distinguished guest Mr. Jozef Holjencik, Chairman of the Office for Regulation of Network Industries. SBaA members had the opportunity to to discuss current issues affecting the battery industry in Slovakia, the new operation of the PICASSO system, the new legislation, as well as the perspectives and recommendations for the use of battery systems in Slovakia. "Battery systems are to be used where necessary and efficient and in such a way as to does not increase the final price of electricity for the consumer" said Jozef Holjenčík in his opening speech.
Jozef Holjenčík, Chairman of the Office of the Regulatory Office of the Czech Republic (ÚRSO), further stated, "I consider it important that it is always optimal and not uncoordinated OZE development, which ultimately always only causes problems."
The stimulating discussion was led by Marian Smik . "Such events are very important for members of the SBaA, because they really get relevant and correct information from the competent authorities," he said. The members were most interested in how the URSO perceives the battery systems in support services and where their place should be. The members appreciated the informal atmosphere and getting information that they would not get at another event.
The Slovak Battery Alliance as an interest association of legal entities was established in 2019 in order to support the building of the battery industry in Slovakia. As part of its events, it regularly organises various events for its members, educational events and discussion opportunities with experts. Today the alliance has 29 members, which are major entrepreneurs and producers of battery systems for industry including automotive, various energy companies, universities and academia.