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Slovakia will support the battery factory in Šurany

Bratislava, June 20, 2024
In Šurany in the district of Nové Zámky, a factory for batteries for electric vehicles will be built with a production capacity of 20 gigawatt-hours of batteries. GIB EnergyX, which is a joint venture between the Chinese group Gotion and the Slovak company InoBat, plans to employ 1,311 people by 2027. Slovakia has signed a memorandum of understanding with Gotion InoBat Batteries (GIB).

GIB EnergyX Slovakia's €1.233 billion electric vehicle battery factory in Šurany will receive €214 million in investment aid from the state. Of this, EUR 150 million will come in the form of a subsidy and EUR 64 million in income tax relief. This was announced by Economy Minister Denisa Saková (Hlas-SD) at Thursday's press conference.