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Competition Baterry of Ideas has its winners

21.6.2022 Bratislava. The Slovak Battery Alliance (SBaA) evaluated the long-term professional competition Battery of Ideas. A total of 19 students and doctoral students from Slovak universities were involved. An expert committee composed of representatives of SBaA members, including universities, had the difficult task of evaluating the best works, which were focused on innovative elements in the field of battery chemistry, measurement, testing, production and application of batteries and battery storage. In the category of engineering works, the winners are Koutsou Georgios and Xhibo Finesa with the joint project "Data mining and application of EIS for real time state of health estimation in Li-ion batteries". In the doctoral theses category, the winners are Martin Baťa and Michal Minárik with their joint project "Battery pack system design".

Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated.